• The Talent Point

    The best Job Portal in UAE



  • The Talent point

    The Talent point is a platform that connects or a platform or a Bridgeway that connects employers and employees.



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    About US

    There are many fresh commers who visit UAE on a visit Visa and end up looking for jobs visit. But then there needs to be a medium through which the they can potentially apply for jobs and also for the employers to look for the right candidate for the given Job Opening.


    The Talent point has been hailed as the Best Jobs Portal in UAE

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    Continuing Education for Teachers

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    Support for Communities

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim augue eu est fringilla fringilla quis vitae odio. Vestibulum ut aliquam sapien. Maecenas enim magna, laoreet et libero et, vehicula pharetra augue. Praesent ut justo scelerisque, tempus est ac, vestibulum ipsum. 

  • “With the support from Alisa Foundation, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”

    — Alisa White, School Principal

  • Contact

    Feel free to contact us with any questions.